Current Schedule – Regular Sunday Liturgies:
Quick link to MSP Calendar
(Read-Only version)

Upcoming Dates – Holy Days / special Masses (if any for current period):
Quick link to MSP Calendar
(Read-Only version)

(To sign up for a ministry slot, login to MSP by clicking on the logo below.)

Finding Substitutes

>2 Days Prior – In MSP, click “My Schedule” tab and click “request sub” for date in question.
<2 Days Prior – In MSP, click “Roster” tab and click Phone List link.

IMPORTANT REMINDER – Until another minister actually accepts your request for substitution via the web terminal, email, phone call, text, etc., you are still responsible for the slot in question. If nobody accepts your substitution request and/or the Director of Music / Liturgy is not informed of the change, you will be considered absent from the slot in question.

Ministry Scheduler Pro - Click to access your schedule online

Please select the appropriate file below.
(place your cursor over the desired link for more info on the date range)

Ministry Schedule Files

Schedules (All Ministers)

(To view and/or volunteer for Holy Days / Special Masses,
please login by clicking on the MSP image on this page.)

Newsletter (All Ministers)

Some items / events associated with the schedule require additional explanation.  Further, important information such as the deadline for vacation dates, changes in procedures, etc. cannot be easily embedded in the schedule.  Therefore, a Newsletter is included with each new schedule to provide this type of information.  Please review this document carefully, as each minister is responsible for its contents.

Reader Notes (formerly known as “Lector Notes”)

On-line versions of the readings can be found by clicking on the name / date of a Mass when viewing the “My Schedules” tab in the web terminal. The resulting Service Plan view allows you to select a printed copy or an audio copy (great for confirming pronunciations!). In addition, you can access the readings directly at the USCCB web site.

Music Selections (Musicians)

All liturgical ministries are scheduled via the MSP program, thereby allowing everyone to access their schedules on-line, find substitutes easily, check on Holy Day scheduling, etc. However, the MSP program cannot be used to schedule / track the music for each period, so music selections are provided separately.