Hospitality Ministers

Hospitality Ministers serve the congregation as greeters, ushers, and general “problem-solvers” as required.  Far from just seating the congregation and distributing bulletins, they provide information to new parishioners, provide hearing assistance receivers to those who require them, coordinate crowd control during special events and Masses, coordinate the offertory collection (when included), and help those who require assistance during Mass.  If you can think on your feet, can relate to many different types of people, and are friendly by nature, you’d be perfect for this challenging ministry.

Offertory Ministers

These ministers primarily coordinate the distribution and collection of the offertory baskets during the preparation of the altar and gifts.  On special occasions, this process may include the collection of offerings from overflow seating in Flanagan Hall and/or assisting the Hospitality Ministers with their duties as required.

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Hospitality-Offertory Training Outline (PDF) 48 KB